Social Work Receives Accreditation

Friday, March 14, 2025
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Texas College is pleased to announce that the College's Social Work baccalaureate program, housed within the Division of Business and Social Sciences, has been granted Initial Accreditation from the Council on Social Work Education's (CSWE) Board of Accreditation (BOA). The Social Work program's accreditation extends through 2033.

The program's accreditation positions graduates to be more marketable within the field of Social Work, thus allowing them to earn higher salaries and wages. Graduates of the program will complete the degree with a Bachelor of Science in Social Work and will have a more seamless opportunity to enter graduate programs of study for Social Work as a result of accreditation and licensure recognition. With Texas College's successful completion of the accreditation process, program completers will be acknowledged at the 2025 Commencement as having graduated from an accredited program.

Persons interested in CSWE at Texas College should contact: Ms. Charlotte R. Sanders, MSW, LBS; Social Work Program Director and Assistant Professor;, or by calling (903) 593-8311, ext. 2218.