The Department of Computer Science provides opportunities for both theoretical and practical knowledge. Computer Science is a wide-ranging discipline that deals with the exploration, design and synthesis of computer systems and their applications. The major curriculum is intended to prepare students to enter the rapidly growing computer field and includes a sound preparation in science and mathematics. Students from any other discipline can also have a minor in Computer Science, if they meet the requirements. A minor in Computer Science consists of eighteen (21) semester hours in Computer Science, at least nine (9) semester hours of which must be upper (advanced) division courses. Students should consult a faculty advisor prior to enrolling in courses intended to count toward the minor.
Academic Core Requirements (See separate degree plan) | 44 | |
Institutional Requirements (See separate degree plan) | 15 | |
Computer Science Required Courses | 54 | |
Electives (3000-4000 Levels) | 12 | |
COSC 1336 | Introduction to Programming | 3 |
COSC 1332 | Microcomputer Applications | 3 |
COSC 2326 | Structured Programming | 3 |
COSC 2337 | Object-Oriented Programming | 3 |
COSC 2336 | Data Structures | 3 |
COSC 3310 | Internet Programming | 3 |
COSC 3338 | E-Commerce | 3 |
COSC 3355 | Operating Systems | 3 |
COSC 3371 | Digital Systems | 3 |
COSC 4360 | Communications and Networking | 3 |
COSC 4375 | Internship | 3 |
COSC 4385 | Database Management | 3 |
GBUS 2303 | Principles of Accounting I | 3 |
MATH 2330 | Discrete and Combinational Mathematics | 3 |
MATH 2413 | Calculus & Analytical Geometry I | 4 |
MATH 2414 | Calculus & Analytical Geometry II | 4 |
MATH 3315 | Linear Algebra | 3 |
Electives | 3000-4000 Levels | 13 |
TOTAL | 125 |
*COSC 1330 – Computer Literacy (3 credit hours). A study of the history, concepts, and terminology of computing. Course content includes analysis of computer hardware components, system software, applications software, database manipulation, communications and networking, information systems, computer programming, as well as, the ethical and social issues of computing. Students will get a working knowledge of Microsoft Office. Anyone with no prior computer knowledge may take it.
COSC 1332 – Microcomputer Applications (3 credit hours). Introductory hands-on course using Microcomputers. Programs include word processing, spreadsheet development, presentation graphics and database management systems. Open to all majors.
COSC 1336 – Introduction to Programming (3 credit hours). A first course in programming which includes the introductory concepts of computer organization, problem solving methods, and algorithmic development and documentation. Programs will be designed in both procedure- oriented and object- oriented event-driven languages. Open to all majors.
COSC 2326 – Structured Programming (3 credit hours). A study of developing structured programs with emphasis on top-down design techniques. Concepts include data types and scope, control structures, modularization and parameters, addressing and pointers, string and array processing, record structures, file handling, and an introduction to object-oriented programming.
COSC 2337 – Object-Oriented Programming (3 credit hours). A software design course using an object- oriented programming language such as C++, visual basic and Java. Concepts include class structures and abstract data types, type hierarchies (subclasses), encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism.
COSC 2336 – Data Structures (3 credit hours). A study of abstract data types, both static and dynamic storage structures and their implementations using arrays structures, lists, stacks, queues, tree structures, and sorting and searching techniques and how to implement them in a high level language, how to analyze their effect on algorithm efficiency.
COSC 3310 – Internet Programming (3 credit hours). Programming for the Internet objects. Languages such as Java, Java script, VB-script, Java Applet, JSP, Ruby on the Rail, and XTML will be introduced.
COSC 3338 – E-Commerce Programming (3 credit hours). Design, build and maintain a complete E- commerce website that meets user requirements. Students will also be setting up web servers and commerce servers and implementing advertising on the web as well as electronic payments. Systems, and client site – sever site programming.
COSC 3355 – Operating Systems (3 credit hours). A study of operating system structures for various computer platforms. Detailed concepts of memory management, process scheduling, recovery and system security, are covered. Prerequisites: COSC 1338 AND COSC 2336.and applications of windows, OS, LINUX/UNIX OS are introduced.
COSC 3371 – Digital Systems (3 credit hours). A detailed study of the organization, logic, and components of a contemporary computer. Basic concepts of digital logic, microprogramming, machine language, assembly language and operating system levels with an emphasis on the smaller machines and emerging technologies.
COSC 4175 – Seminar in Computer Science (1 credit hour). This course is designed for senior level computer science majors who will present papers on current topics in computer science.
COSC 4315 – Topics in Computer Science (3 credit hours). This course is designed to study current trends in computer science that are not currently covered in core curriculum.
COSC 4360 – Communications and Networking (3 credit hours). A study of data communication, networking, and connectivity. Topics include the various hardware and software components, as well as, the protocols which allow communications between computer systems and the basic concepts of local and wide area networks.
COSC 4375 – Internship (3 credit hours). An eight (8) to 10-week program providing for hands-on experience in a data processing environment, in a hospital, industry, or educational institution. It is a requirement that the students must secure internships external agency/institution and work under the supervision of a local supervisor and the host supervisor.
COSC 4378 – Artificial Systems (3 credit hours). A study of applications in the cognitive science area of artificial intelligence. Topics include the development and implementation of expert systems, fuzzy logic systems, and other knowledge-based systems widely used in business processing, as well as, scientific applications using symbolic processing and neural networks.
COSC 4379 – Advanced Commercial Applications (3 credit hours). Developing commercial applications which require advanced programming techniques beyond sequential file processing. Concepts include handling multiple files, indexed sequential access, random access, file updating, and data validation.
COSC 4385 – Database Management (3 credit hours). A study of the architecture and design of a database management system with emphasis on relational systems. Concepts include the development, implementation and maintenance of a database, data relationships, integrity, data definition, and manipulation languages, data mining and structured query language.
*General Education Courses Offered by the Division