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2404 North Grand Avenue
Tyler, TX 75702
© Texas College
Website by GroupM7 Design™
Notice of Non-Discrimination: Texas College does not discriminate in any employment practice, education program, or educational activity on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, disability, or veteran status. The Vice President of Academic Affairs has been designated to handle student inquiries regarding non-discrimination policies and the Director of Human Resources has the responsibility for faculty-staff concerns in this regard. Contact information is: Texas College, Attn: Vice President of Academic Affairs/Compliance Officer, Office of Academic Affairs/Martin Hall 2nd floor, 2404 North Grand Avenue, Tyler, Texas 75702, (903) 593-8311 ext. 2342 office, (903) 526-4426 fax or Texas College, Attn: Director of Human Resources, Martin Hall, 2nd floor, 2404 North Grand Avenue, Tyler, Texas 75702, (903) 593-8311 ext. 2201 office, (903) 363-1828 fax. If you do not have it, download Adobe Reader here.