President's Message

President Dwight J. Fennell Portrait

It is a pleasure to welcome you to Texas College. You are invited to become a part of an educational experience that embraces academic, spiritual and professional growth opportunities. At the “heart” of our mission, is the obligation to: “Embody the principles of the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church. The College shall prepare students with competencies in critical and creative thinking related to the knowledge, skills and abilities as defined in the areas of study using different modalities of instruction. Additionally, the College shall provide an environment to inspire intellectual, spiritual, ethical moral and social development, which empowers graduates to engage in life-long learning, leadership, and service.”

Texas College was founded as a historically black college in 1894 and is a coed, independent, four-year liberal arts institution. As an ethnically diverse liberal arts institution, you will gain the theoretical and foundational preparations designed to propel you into a major (and/or minors) that will equip you for graduate and/or professional schools, as well as the world of work.

We are a valuable economic engine in the city of Tyler, generating substantial economic returns consistently, year after year. According to a study commissioned in 2024 by the United Negro College Fund (UNCF), Texas College generates $24.9 million in total economic impact for its local and regional economies. Further, the College has generated 232 jobs for its local and regional communities. Also, Texas College graduates in the year 2021 can expect total lifetime earnings of $266 million over their lifetimes—that is 77 percent more than they could have expected to earn without college credentials. Education is important and an investment in Texas College is an investment in your future and respective communities.

This is an exciting time to be a part of the Texas College family, as we have expanded the physical plant to enhance the living-learning environments for the benefit of our students and staffs. Additionally, the community surrounding the campus has now been recognized by the City of Tyler as the Texas College District. Further, our academic and student programs are engaging; creating an atmosphere to excel and become successful in life. We invite you to join the Texas College Family.


Dwight J. Fennell, Ph.D.
