The Texas College Technology Integration process is utilized in the general content areas of the Texas College Educator Preparation Program (EPP). Infusing technology provides many tools to create engaging and creative learning environments based on real-world experiences. This allows students to apply computer and technology skills to facilitate classroom learning. Services available are:
Active Learning Classrooms are designed to increase student-faculty interaction or encourage groups of students to work together to complete a task.
Texas College Technology works with faculty on custom software solutions, particularly to innovate in areas such as assessment.
Classroom AV and media include interactive software such as, Zoom lecture capture, Microsoft Teams Interactivity, InClass Course Software, Upswing Tutoring SoftwareTruTouch Television panels, and library interactive kiosks.
Upon request, a member of the classroom support team will meet with the user and train them on how to use the technology in the classroom or videoconference room.
Texas College classrooms are designed to meet the varied needs of the faculty, students and departments across the campus. Classroom technology hardware serves as a medium to accentuate, enhance, and facilitate pedagogy.
By allowing students access to computers in class, they can fully engage their professor during class time and learn to effectively use the programs required for class.
IT Solutions assists with the audio and video recordings of events and productions sponsored by the college. IT Solutions provides high quality HD Video production and digital Audio recordings to broaden the reach of idea sharing that can be saved and shared on the web.
The D.R., Glass Library provides online subscriptions to databases that provide the latest software, journals and skills through high-quality access.
IT Solutions provides several video-conference classrooms equipped with smartboards and HD quality LifeSize Television units.