Course Selection Form

Please fill out the following form to complete your course selection for Spring 2025.


* = required fields

Registration Form
Utilize respective degree plan and course offerings as reference to complete registration form.
Course Day/Time will be conducted via Zoom, Microsoft Teams, teleconference, or as designated by professor.

Download the course offerings document above and record your schedule below.
Course Code
Course Number
Descriptive Title
Semester Hours
·         I am enrolling in Texas College for the semester/term selected above
·         Institutional fees (Tuition & Fees, Room, and Board) for the semester/term are due in full at Registration. My account may be charged an institutional fee for textbooks following my enrollment for the semester/term.  If I am a student athlete, an additional institutional fee (Athletic Insurance) may be charged to my account following enrollment; once I am charged, the fee will cover me for the current academic year.
·         I am personally responsible for my student account and ensuring that my financial aid is in order. I understand that I am responsible for paying any outstanding balance that is not covered by financial aid. In cases where an outstanding balance is owed on my account from previous semesters/terms and I have received enough Title IV aid to cover former term debt, I am authorizing Texas College to use current Title IV aid to resolve any and all of my outstanding debt.
·         I may be withdrawn from Texas College at the school’s option if my account is not kept in a current status and/or paid in full. Additionally, if I fail to pay any monies owed by the end of the semester/term, Texas College may place a hold on my account, which may prevent me from registering for future classes and from receiving a full official copy of my transcripts and/or grades.
·         If my student account becomes delinquent and it becomes necessary to place it in the hands of an attorney or a collection agency, I bind and obligate myself to pay the fees of the agency attorney employed for this purpose.  The College may also report delinquent accounts to credit bureaus.
After the 12th class day (fall/spring), or the 3rd class day (subsequent sessions), no adjustments will be made to my account (i.e. tuition, student fees, etc.).
Meals and Housing fees will not be prorated.
I am responsible for notifying the Business Office of any change of address, telephone number or e-mail address.
IF I LEAVE SCHOOL FOR ANY REASON, I WILL COMPLETE A WITHDRAWAL FORM with the Registrar’s Office. I understand when I withdraw after the 12th class day ( fall/spring), or 3rd class day (subsequent sessions) there will be no tuition/ fee adjustments
If I withdraw before the 60% completion date I may no longer qualify for 100% (full) Financial Aid. My Financial Aid will be adjusted based on Federal Guidelines.
TEXAS College does not mail 1098T’s.  You must access your JICS account to obtain your tax form.
Your electronic signature is considered an official signature and authenticates your acknowledgement and submission of this form. In doing so, you are responsible for fulfilling the obligations and requirements associated with the above courses.

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