· I am enrolling in Texas College for the semester/term selected above
· Institutional fees (Tuition & Fees, Room, and Board) for the semester/term are due in full at Registration. My account may be charged an institutional fee for textbooks following my enrollment for the semester/term. If I am a student athlete, an additional institutional fee (Athletic Insurance) may be charged to my account following enrollment; once I am charged, the fee will cover me for the current academic year.
· I am personally responsible for my student account and ensuring that my financial aid is in order. I understand that I am responsible for paying any outstanding balance that is not covered by financial aid. In cases where an outstanding balance is owed on my account from previous semesters/terms and I have received enough Title IV aid to cover former term debt, I am authorizing Texas College to use current Title IV aid to resolve any and all of my outstanding debt.
· I may be withdrawn from Texas College at the school’s option if my account is not kept in a current status and/or paid in full. Additionally, if I fail to pay any monies owed by the end of the semester/term, Texas College may place a hold on my account, which may prevent me from registering for future classes and from receiving a full official copy of my transcripts and/or grades.
· If my student account becomes delinquent and it becomes necessary to place it in the hands of an attorney or a collection agency, I bind and obligate myself to pay the fees of the agency attorney employed for this purpose. The College may also report delinquent accounts to credit bureaus.